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Don’t Talk to the Police Without an Attorney Present

Why You Should Never Talk to the Police Alone

While you may feel nervous about refusing to speak to the police without an attorney, you should be more worried about what could happen if you do not retain counsel. Your silence does not make you look guilty, and your right to remain silent is a constitutional protection.

While it may seem like cooperating can help clear your name, it can often have the opposite effect. Without legal representation, you may inadvertently provide information that can be used against you.

If you engage in an interview or conversation without an attorney at your side, you face the following risks:

  • Making incriminating statements. Even seemingly innocuous statements can be misinterpreted or used out of context to build a case against you.
  • Misunderstanding your rights. Without the guidance of an attorney, you may not fully understand your rights, such as the right to remain silent, which means not answering certain questions.
  • Falling victim to coercion or manipulation. It is important to remember that police officers are trained to gather evidence and build cases. They may use deceptive tactics to achieve their goals and pressure you into making statements or confessions, even if you are innocent. This can include lying about evidence, minimizing the severity of charges, or suggesting that cooperation will lead to leniency.

How an Attorney Can Help When Law Enforcement Wants to Speak with You

A defense attorney can play a crucial role in protecting your rights and interests if a police officer wants to speak with you. One of the most important things your attorney can do is to communicate directly with the officers on your behalf. By explaining that you are represented by counsel, your attorney can ensure that your rights are respected and that you are not subjected to any undue pressure or coercion.

Your attorney can also take the time to discuss the case or investigation with you in detail. This will involve understanding the facts of the situation, identifying potential defenses, and developing a strategy to protect your interests. An attorney can also schedule and attend meetings with you and the investigators, ensuring that your rights are protected throughout the process.

Another important role of a defense attorney is to act as a go-between for you and the police officers. This means that your attorney can communicate with the officers on your behalf throughout the process unless you are needed for an interview.

Talk with Our Defense Attorneys

Corrigan Welbourn Stokke, APLC represents clients if they are being investigated for or charged with the following offenses:

Reach out to our team at (949) 251-0330 to get started on your defense today.
